Saturday, January 23, 2016

Almost got him!

So the children put out one of the traps - they were sure they would catch him! and they almost did....The trap had glue on the bottom of it, as they thought the gingerbread man would be enticed by the beautiful things in the trap, and then get stuck. So it seems they had the right idea. The gingerbread man came back in the night and it looks like he went to the poems and the trap that the children left for him on the table. He went inside, and did get stuck but managed to free himself....sort of.... his foot was still in the glue! So now the children are on the lookout for a gingerbread man hopping on one foot. Stella exclaimed, "Now he won't be able to run as fast! We'll catch him foresure!"

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Gingerbread Man is still missing! (But we think we may have some leads)

Ash class is still looking for the gingerbread man. He had left us a note to let us know that he was quite sick, sneezing and coughing and needed some chicken soup. We decided to leave him some chicken soup that night and guess what?! The next morning, the children found an empty cup (with remnance of the soup on the side) with a note then next morning! It said - Mmmm, delicious! Thanks, GM! But still no sight of him......

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Fox and the Crab

We have recently done an oral story, "The Fox and the Crab". Ask your children if they can tell it to you. It is an easier one because it is quite short.

some new rhymes

The Sun
The sun comes over the mountains
The sun comes over the sea
The sun comes over the rice fields
And the sun comes over me.

The sun sets over the palace
The sun sets over the street
The sun sets over the houses
And the sun sets over me.

Three Little Kittens

Three little kittens
lost their mittens
And they began to cry
"Oh mother dear, we very much fear,
our mittens we have lost!"

"What? Lost your mittens,
you naughty kittens.
Then you shall have no pie."

"Meow, meow, meow"

"No, you shall have no pie!"

Put your shoes on Lucy
Put your shoes on Lucy
Don't you know you're in the city
Put your shoes on Lucy
it really is a pity
That Lucy can't go barefoot
wherever she goes
Cause she loves to fell the wiggle of her toes

The moon
The moon shines bright
The stars give light
And little bonny button cap
will come tomorrow night


Ash class continues to be busy doing handwork, such as weaving, sewing and fingerknitting. I encourage you to get a ball of yarn and encourage them to try it at home. There are so many benefits, including creativity, fine motor skills and learning about patterns. Not to mention that it is usually quite meditative and calms them down. I also find it a lovely way to spend time with your children.

GIngerbread Man is still missing!

Unfortunately, the Gingerbread Man is still missing! We know he is around though. He has been leaving us notes and we have been writing back. The children are being so creative with their notes and drawings for the gingerbread man. They even decided to make some traps in the arts and crafts centre. So far, they haven't worked..... I am pretty sure our Gingerbread Man is a little mischievious!
The Senior Kindergartens are busy at work sewing little gingerbread men of their own. We are hoping this will make him curious and think their are more of him in the classroom! He even comes in and eats our snacks! We were on the lookout, and hopefully we will catch him soon!