Sunday, May 29, 2016

Spring excitment!

Ash class has had some very exciting days! Besides watching the Mourning Doves, we have been carefully watching our cat grass seeds that we planted. The children have made some interesting observations and like going to look at it with the magnifying glass. I think, even more exciting, was the process of watching our caterpillars change into butterflies! Here too, they had many interesting observations and predictions that they shared with eachother. At the end of the week, we let all the butterflies go - sending them off with a good wish both into the butterfly garden at the front and in the "enchanted forest" at the far side of the field. The children were very lucky to be able to see close up the beauty of the Painted Lady butterfly. They commented on the designs and colours, which led us to talk about symmetry. So, this upcoming week will be exploring the idea of symmetry!