Sunday, November 6, 2016

Our Harvest Feast!!

We will be celebrating our Harvest Feast tomorrow! We will be making all things with apples and pears - two wonderful fruits harvested in the fall! We will be making apple sauce, pear sauce, apple cake, pear cake and apple and pear juice - if all goes well..... We are looking forward to it. Hope you can join us in the celebration!

recycled creations

Check out these innovative creations from our recycled materials!

New fall poems and songs

A Little Red Apple

A little red apple
Hung high up in a tree
I looked up at it
And it looked down at me.
"Come down please," I called.
And what do you suppose?
That little red apple
Fell right on my nose!

Brown Squirrel

Brown squirrel, brown squirrel
whoosh your bushy tail
Brown squirrel, brown squirrel
whoosh your bushy tail
Wrinkle up your little nose
Hold a nut between your toes
Brown squirrel, brown squirrel
whoosh your bushy tail.

Hurry Little Children

Hurry little children
Come along with me
Come into my garden
and shake the apple tree
I will shake the big ones
You can shake the small
When we will the basket
Home we'll take them all.
Home we'll take them all.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves are floating down
they make the carpet on the ground
The swish!  The wind comes whistling by
And sends them dancing to the sky!

Chop Chop

Chop chop
Chippety chop
We cut off the bottoms and cut off the top
What we have left we put in the pot.
Chop chop chippety chop!

Thank you

Thank you Thank you
Let's all sing
Thank you Thank you
For everything
Thanks for the flowers
Thanks for the trees
Thanks for the sun that shines on me.
Thank you Thank you
Let's all sing
Thank you Thank you
For everything!

An Apple Dumpling for Supper

 Here is a folktale I told Ash Class - An Apple Dumpling for Supper. We will also be looking at the book - An Apple Pie for Dinner- which is retold from this folktale.

There was once a kind woman who wanted an apple dumpling for supper. She had plenty of flour, butter, sugar, and spice. But she had no apples. She had a huge plum tree full of round, red plums, but you can’t make an apple dumpling out of plums. There is no use trying.
The more the old woman thought about eating a warm, sweet, apple dumpling, the more she wanted one. She could almost taste it!
“Maybe I can trade my plums for some apples,” she said to herself. She decided to try.
As the woman walked up the road, she came to a garden. The sweet smell of lilacs, lilies, and roses filled the air. A couple stood in the garden. They looked angry.
“Can I help?” she asked the couple.
“My husband has eaten all of the berries. I have nothing to make jam out of,” replied the wife.
“I have some tasty plums for your jam,” said the woman. I will trade them for some apples. I want to make a dumpling for my supper.”
“We have no apples,” replied the wife. “But we can give you a beautiful bunch of flowers.”
And so the woman went on her way, sniffing the colorful flowers she carried. Soon she came upon a handsome young man. A little dog was following him. The man looked very worried.
“What’s wrong?” asked the woman.
“I’m on my way to see my lady, but I have no gift to give her,” the young man said.
“Here, take her these pretty flowers,” the woman told him.
“You are very kind,” said the young man. “These will make her very happy. Will you take this little dog in return for the flowers? He’s been following me. I think he’s lost.”
The woman could hardly say no. So on she went with the little dog in her basket. As she walked along, she chuckled to herself, “A bunch of flowers for a basket of plums; a little dog for a bunch of flowers. This is a funny world of give and take. I might just get my apple dumpling yet.”
Sure enough, she had not gone far when she saw a tree full of red, ripe apples. A sad little man sat on the porch next to it.
“That’s a fine tree of apples,” the woman called to him.
“Yes, but they are no good to me. I sit here alone every day. I would give them all for a little dog to keep me company,” the old man said, frowning.
Just then, the little dog began to bark. He jumped out of the basket and ran to the old man. “He seems to like you,” the woman told him. “Perhaps he could keep you company.” The old man laughed. He told the woman to pick all the apples she wanted. Soon she was on her way home. Her basket was heavy with apples.
“If you try long enough and hard enough, you can always have an apple dumpling for supper,” the woman said as she patted her full belly. She smiled as she wiped the crumbs from her mouth. “Whatever will I do with the leftovers? Hmm…perhaps I can trade them…”

Ewww....Yuck... What's happening to our pumpkin?

Ash class had fun investigating our pumpkin and digging out the seeds and mush with Mr. Goodman-Berger. Once that was complete, we carved our face, voting on different shapes for the face and presto! Once we came back to school, we noticed something about our was looking a little funny! It looked like it had fuzzy white and black hair on it and in it! and it was a little droopy....Hmmmm...what happened to our pumpkin?

And here is how they children described the inside and outside of the pumpkin. Then they proceeded to make drawings of what the pumpkin looked like, both inside and out.