Sunday, December 3, 2017

Patterns Patterns Everywhere

Patterns Patterns Everywhere
Patterns we can see
Patterns on the _______________
And patterns on me!

The children love this poem and would recite it daily, coming up with different ideas where they can see patterns.

Our student teacher, Ma. Harper, implemented a lovely pattern unit in our class. The children were engagedand had so much fun looking for patterns both inside and outside. We learned about patterns in nature, on plants and animals, human made patterns,  patterns on clothing and houses.......
                         We went for a nature walk in the neighbourhood and looked for patterns!

                                      We found them on leaves and fences and other structures


                                                            sidewalks and pumpkins

                           and even cats (it may be hard to see, but they spotted the pattern on its' fur.

               The children explored with different materials to extend patterns and create their own.
                                         They used  natural materials on the learning carpet......

                                                                  and unifix cubes

                                                               and pattern blocks

                                            What patterns can you find on your way home?

Friday, December 1, 2017

Our Harvest Feast

 Ash class was hustling and bustling with peeling, chopping, mixing, juicing and cooking.  Lovely aromas were wafting through the air along with joy and laughter. As we celebrated our apple harvest for 2017, our tummies were satiated with delicious apple cake, apple crumble, apple sauce and fresh apple juice. Our souls were satiated with good cheer, company and love for the Earth. Our annual harvest feast was a success one more time. Thank you to all!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Self portraits

 Drawing self protraits using pastels and crayons and mirrors......

Exploring numbers

exploring counting with different objects - specifically the numbers 5 and 10

Yes! More trees!

Celebrating trees with some poems, songs and movements around our trees outside!

What? more trees?

Drawing and writing about trees!

Our tree collage

 Ash class hard at work creating our beautiful tree collage from our tree rubbings/watercolour washes! Using the rubbings created so much texture and colour to our tree.