Sunday, June 25, 2017

Some cool OPAL play!!

The children continue to explore our loose parts outside during OPAL play in the morning. It never ceases to amaze me how creative they are and all of the new things they come up with daily. Here are some photos to prove it!

life cycles

 Ash class watched with big eyes as our caterpillars changed into butterflies. We talked about what happens to caterpillars and how they change go through metamorphosis. They observed the changes and we wrote down their observations.
The children especially loved setting the butterflies free outside and sent them off with good wishes!

measuring height, length and weight

 Ash class has spent quite a bit of time learning about measurement in different ways. They measured each other and things inside and outside of the classroom, comparing and sorting. They also have explored measuring the weight of different objects using a scale.

Our trip to the Kortright Centre

 Our trip to the kortright centre was wonderful. The children learned a lot about bees and pollinators. We searched for pollinators on the plants as we walked through the centre.

 The children were amazed at watching the beekeeper pull out all the bees....

 At the end, the children made seed balls to help grow more plants!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Our trip to the Textile Museum

We had a wonderful time at the Textile Museum. The textiles were beautiful. We saw textiles showing the art and lives of the Huicholes, an Indigenous group from Western Mexico. The paintings were beautiful - yarn paintings on beeswax using traditional techniques. The children learned the meaning of the textiles and were especially intrigued with the textiles about dreams.

 We also looked at Wool rovings and she showed us how it is turned into yarn

 The children did a craft inspired by the art of the Huicholes - wrapping yarn around  cardboard
The children were so focused and really enjoyed the activity. They are hung up in our hall now and look beautiful.