Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The Little Red Hen and so much more.....
We had such a full and enriching day today! We are continuing with
telling our Little Red Hen story, which the children love! Today,
Elizabeth came in and helped the children bake bread. As we sat around
in the circle, inquiry was working at its best....knowing, wondering,
watching - what will happen to the yeast? The children made predictions,
and made their observations as they watched the changes. "It's changing
colour", "I can smell it", "It's getting bigger", "I see bubbles".
Everyone had a hand at pouring and mixing, and to their delight, ended
up with their very own bun at lunch time! Thank you Elizabeth for coming
in and helping the children have that lovely experience. The past few
days, we also have had a station set up with a mortar and pestle and
wheat kernels and the children have tried coming to grind the wheat,
just like the little red hen. They are seeing how difficult it is to do
it by hand, and I think, would prefer to go to the mill! Today, I
brought in my spice grinder from home and in small groups they each had a
turn to press the button and grind! When they saw we made flour, there
eyes lit up - Flour! they would exclaim - just like the one we used to
make the bread (That was the a- ha moment!) They have seen the wheat
stock, the kernels come out from inside, the bowl of kernels, and
themselves turned it into flour. So the next time you ask them where
flour comes from, hopefully they won't just say "Loblaws"! :). We also
have a centre set up with a bin of wheat kernels, egg cups and spoons.
The children are estimating how many scoops it takes to fill an egg cup,
and then scooping the kernels into the cup. There are kernels
everywhere! Hopefully they are not bringing them home in their bags. In
the days to come, they will be dramatizing the Little Red Hen with
lovely costumes made by Anne, as well as using a felt board to tell the
story during free play. It has been a fun time in Ash Class.