Sunday, March 23, 2014

Upcoming events for Spring

We are in the process of trying to plan a trip or two in April. In May we will be going on our 3rd and final High Park trip. We will also be going to see a play at the Wee Festival that Lisa informed us about and I am sure the children will really enjoy it. I will let you know further details closer to the date.  Spring is in the air!

Oral Story

I am orally telling a new story called The Magic Drum. It is fun and interactive and the children are beginning to join in and even starting to tell it on their own. Ask your child if they can tell you some or all of the story and join in with them as they tell it!

Pattern Patterns Everywhere

Ash class has been observing, describing, creating and extending repeated patterns, inside and out, using colours, shapes, people and various objects. The children are beginning to create complex patterns on their own initiative, with so many different things. Patterns can be created in a variety of ways: using objects, ie, forks and spoons, shapes ie, circle and squares, colours, ie, red and blue, or sizes, ie, large and small. Explore some patterns with your child. Create a simple repeating pattern using two kinds of household objects. Ask them to read their pattern to you and explain what comes next. As Spring is finally coming, and plants and insects will be making an appearance, we will observe and learn about more patterns in nature. See if you can spot some with your child and tell us about them! Have fun exploring patterns!

Some more rhymes

The North Wind Does Blow

The North Wind does blow
And we shall have snow
And what will the robin do then, poor thing?
He'll hide in the barn
And keep himself warm
And tuck his head under his wing
Poor thing!

The Sun

The sun comes over the mountains
The sun comes over the sea
The sun comes over the rice fields
And the sun comes over me.

The sun sets over the palace.
The sun sets over the street
The sun sets over the houses
And the sun sets over me.

On my foot there is a flea
Now he's climbing up on me
Past my belly
Past my nose
On my head where my hair grows
On my head there is a flea
Now he's climbing down on me
Past my belly
Past me knee
On my foot
Take that, you flea!

The Little Old Man

A little old man went up in space
And he got ice cream all over this face
So - wash him with a washcloth
Roll him in a rug
And tuck him in a blanket
Until he's snug snug snug!