Sunday, April 27, 2014

How tall are you?

Ash class has been measuring all sorts of things! We are using objects such as blocks, pencils or feathers to see how tall or short something is. In groups, the children used string to measure eachother and figured out who was the tallest and shortest in the class. Soon, we will be making a "handy ruler" by putting 5 handprints in a row, and they will use it to measure if objects inside or outside are taller, shorter or the same size as their handy ruler. On Friday, they each estimated how tall they were compared to 3 paper stems that I cut out and hung on the wall. They placed their leaves by the stem they thought was closest to them in height and then we checked eachother and measured how tall everyone was! The class got to observe which children were the same size, taller or shorter than them. See if your children can measure you at home using objects of the same size!