Sunday, May 4, 2014

Upcoming trips in May

 High Park
On May 8, we have our third and final trip to high park! We are looking forward to it. Please dress your children for the weather, and pack a lunch. I will use the TTC fare you sent in for the Riverdale Farm trip for out High Park trip, so no need to send in fare again at the moment. I will collect fare again, before our Riverdale Farm trip at the end of May.

Wee Festival

On May 16 we will be going to see Old Man and the River at Alliance Francais on Spadina. Thank you Lisa for informing us of this wonderful opportunity. It is always such a treat to see live performances! I will be sending home the trip forms on Monday or Tuesday, so please check your child's backpack. The cost of the performance is $10. We are still deciding if it is doable for the children to walk up Spadina to north of bloor or if we will take the streetcar. I will let you know if you also need to send in 1.50 for TTC fare.

Riverdale Farm Trip

We will definitely be visiting Riverdale Farm and will let you know of the new date soon. It will be sometime at the end of May.