Sunday, November 30, 2014


November has been a very busy time in Ash class, with so many inquisitive minds and lots of play and learning! After we carved our pumpkin on Halloween, we kept it in our classroom. After a few days, it started to change. One day, Nina said, "Ms. Smith, look what's happened to our pumpkin!" And the rest is history....Our inquiry started about our decomposing pumpkin. The children came up with so many interesting observations, predictions, and conclusions. They noticed the "colourful" parts, like red and black dots, and how slowly the face was falling apart! We wrote down everyone's remarks, and posted them, along with photos and their pictures of our decomposing pumpkin on our bulletin board.

November also brought with it an inquiry about ants. When playing outside, some children were interested in looking for ants, and building a home for them out of leaves and sticks. And hence, our ant inquiry began, guided by our student Samantha. There were about  students who were interested in learning more about ants, their habits and home. Through inquiry, they created and conducted an experiment, gathered ants, tried to create their own ant city, drew their thoughts and observations, and made their own ant homes out of clay and other materials. At the end of their inquiry, the group of children shared their observations and findings with the rest of the class!

Ash class also discussed what Peace meant to them. We talked about what peace might look, sound or feel like. The children shared their thoughtful responses with the class, such as Peace is.....being quiet, the sunset, sleeping, not fighting. If only, the whole world could take the advice of Ash class!

Ash class was lucky to go on a mini field trip to King Eddy, and watch the play The Nightingale. The set and costumes were well made and the children were very engaged. The following day, the children started drawing pictures and writing about their favourite part of the play.