Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Shapes and Patterns

Ash class is learning about shapes and patterns. We are looking for them all around us. The children will be doing many activities using shapes and patterns and will learn what a pattern is - including, the pattern of our seasons. We will be including outdoor activities involving shapes and patterns. See what shapes and patterns you can see on your way to and home from school!

making 5!

Ash class has been learning different ways to make 5. We did an activity where the children were creating ways to make 5 - They were creating gloves so Grandma Sandy could knit them for her grandchildren. They could only use 2 colours - blue and red (as that were her favourite colours). They did a great job and came up with many different ways for her to knit the gloves - 4 red fingers/1 blue finger, 4 blue fingers/ 1 red finger, 3 red fingers/2 blue fingers etc. Learning how to compose to the nuber 5 and 10 is integral and something you can do at home through play, just as we did in class. You can do it seamlessly through play or even while doing things like eating a snack where you can count......


Ash Class learned a new oral story called Tipingee. We have told it a few times and now the children are starting to tell it on their own. It is a cute story with a lot of repetition so makes it easier for the children to retell. See if they can tell you the story at home.

What a sneaky little guy

So the other day, we left another trap out, with some more poems and one of the stuffed gingerbread men that the children had made. They thought that the stuffed one would trick him into thinking it was his friend and he would want to come closer! The next morning, we couldn't believe it! Our gingerbread man had come and gone....again! He was lured by the trap, poems and stuffy but he was too quick. He got stuck in the glue, but somehow managed to set himself free....sort of.....his arm was stuck!

He left us a poem. It went like this:

Ash Class,

Oh dear me,
I'm out of luck
Oh dear me, My arm is stuck!
But I am clever
What did I do,
I unstuck myself from glue!

Love,  GM

So now, our gingerbread man is hopping around with one arm and one leg. We think foresure we will catch him now! Freya informed us the other day, that when they were coming into the school they saw a flash of brown run past them! He is definitely close and we are not giving up!!!