Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lantern Songs

da Vinci Lantern Songs 2013
Fire’s Burning
Fire’s burning, fire’s burning (hands over head, fingers wiggling like flames)
Draw nearer, draw nearer (open arms and invite people to come closer)
In the gloaming*, in the gloaming (hands in arc over head and slowly sway lower, like sun setting)
Come sing and be merry (hand gesture up through throat, like singing, and out - with a smile!)
This will be sung as a 3-part round. Second group starts after the first “Fire’s burning” so there is some overlap during the verses. Cedar class will be divided up to lead the other classes in the rounds.
*Gloaming is the time of day between daylight and darkness.

Rise Up Oh Flame
Rise up oh flame       (raise finger-flames in front of face and up)
By thy light glowing     (rippling arms back down)
Bring to us beauty    (bring hands down and hold over heart)
Vision and joy        (eye goggles, then open palms)
This will be sung as a 3-part round. Second group starts after first group finishes “Rise up oh flame”. Cedar class will be divided up to lead the other classes in the rounds.
Steer to the Light
Steer to the light, let this beacon bring us home    
Steer through the night to the day
Tossed on these waves, rest our hopes upon this deck
Hold fast the wheel, hold and stay
Steer to the light, quiet harbours hear our pleas
Trees firm and tall wave our way
Eyes to the light, never ceasing, shining bright
Steer through the night to the day
This song will be sung in unison.

Hope you can join us for our lantern walk on november 21st at 5:30. Here are the songs we are learning for it.