Sunday, January 12, 2014

How long will it take for the snow to melt?

Ash class has been enjoying the snow outside and have been using yogurt containers and larger bins to build all sorts of structures. (If you have extra yogurt containers you can bring in, that would be great!) They have been keeping themselves so busy doing this, they do not even realize how long we are staying outside. They also do not realize that Ms. Spain and I are using these opportunities to incorporate math activities...shapes, numbers, counting. It becomes so meaningful because they are truly learning through play, and even better, outside! To top it off, we are bringing the outside in....The children wanted to see what would happen if we brought ice and snow inside. So we followed their lead, brought it in, and inquired about what will happen. We talked about what we already know about ice and snow,  made predictions and observations. The children were so excited to watch it change and kept going over to our buckets throughout the day to observe the changes. Ask them what they saw happen.......