Monday, December 14, 2015

The Gingerbread Man has run away!

Please be advised that while we were baking our Gingerbread men on Friday, one jumped out of the oven and ran away as I was taking them out of the oven! Lisa and I were absolutely shocked! He jumped out of the oven and ran so fast. We called after him, and tried to catch him but we had no luck! He was too fast! The children are a bit frantic. They started making signs to try and find him. We have asked people if they have seen any sightings. Mr. Canrinus said that he saw a big brown blur run past his room and was wondering what it was! And the children said - "It was the Gingerbread Man!!!" Please help us find him. Look for him on your way to school and the way home. Hopefully together we will be able to find him!

I will keep you updated. Please watch for any updates.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Autumn is approaching

Fall is upon us and Ash class has begun to observe and discuss the changes we will see. We will be doing some inquiry based activities, and learning some songs and rhymes about Fall as we transition into the chillier season. The Autumn harvest is always a fun topic of conversation at this time.

Here a few Autumn songs/rhymes we have started learning or will be learning soon:

Yellow the Bracken
Yellow the Bracken
golden the sheaves
rosy the apples
crimson the leaves
mist on the hillside
clouds grey and white
autumn good morning
summer good night.

I have a basket
I'll tell you why,
I'm picking backberries
To bake in a pie.
I'll mix them with apple
Put pastry on the top.
If my pie is good enough,
Dont buy one from the shop

We are walking
We are walking, we are walking as the leaves they flutter down.
We are walking, we are walking
Catch a leaf of golden brown.

We are skipping, we are skipping as the leaves they flutter down,
We are skipping, we are skipping
Catch a leaf of golden brown.

We are running, we are running
As the leaves they flutter down
we are running, we are running
Catch a leaf of golden brown.

(You can create new verses using any actions)

My friend the Squirrel
My friend the squirrel sits and stares,
Nose up high, sniffing air,
Twitching here, twitching there

My friend the squirrel puffs his cheek
Holds his nut, brown and sleek
Looks for tree-hole, takes a peek.

My friend the squirrel runs up the tree
Jumps a  branch- most nimbly
In his hibernation home to be.

a few songs and rhymes

Here are some songs and rhymes that Ash class has done. Often, these rhymes are done with movements. Ask your children if they can say/sing them to you:

Acka Backa
Acka Backa Soda Cracker
Acka Backa Boo
Acka Backa Soda Cracker
I love you
(The children come up with other lines that rhyme with Boo)

Peas Porridge Hot
Peas Porridge hot
Peas Porridge cold
Peas Porridge in the pot
Nine days old

Some like it hot
Some like it cold
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old

1 2 3 4 5
Once I caught a fish alive
6 7 8 9 10
then I let it go again
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which little finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right!

The Moon is Round
The moon is round
As round can be
Two eyes
A nose
And a mouth like me

Mousie Brown
Up up the candlestick
Went little mousie Brown
She went to the top
And couldn't get back down.
She called "Grandma, Grandma"
But Grandma was in town.
So she rolled herself up
And rolled back down.

Off to a great start!

Ash class has gotten off to a great start! Although you may still see some tears, be rest assured that this is normal! The children are getting used to their new environment and are making friends. The first month of school is largely about learning routines of the classroom and getting to know everyone. This is precisely what is happening in Ash class! It may take longer for some than others - it is a lot to take in. Soon enough, everyone will feel right at home.

Every morning we begin in our circle, saying our 3 chants:

In this circle here we stand
Quiet mouths, quiet hands
Feet together straight as can be
As we count, 1 2 3.

Below is the Earth
Above is the Sky
Here are my friends
Here am I

I touch the sky
I touch my feet
I clap my hands on every beat
Without a sound
I turn around
And this new day
I happily greet

We will be doing a morning message and the children like to figure out what letters or words are missing.  We do many action songs and rhymes all day long. Try practising crossover actions with your children as you are chanting with them (crossing you arm to your opposite shoulder). This is great "brain gym" and is a fun Waldorf exercise. The children area also practising their counting as we pass a beanbag around the circle.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten Ash Class!

Welcome back to the Seniors and welcome for the first time to the Juniors! Ms. Spain and I are excited to see everyone again and meet everyone who is new. We are excited for a fun year full of wonderful activities, new friends, and colourful learning!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Songs and Rhymes

The Mitten in the Snow

The mitten in the snow
The mitten in the snow
Help us please so we won't freeze
The mitten in the snow

The ______________squeezes in
The ______________squeezes in
Help us please so we won't freeze
The mitten in the snow

(put any animal in the space)


Its' snowing
an snowing
so what shall we eat?
The snow looks so good
I will make you a treat.
I'm a very fine cook
And I have what it takes
Come into the kitchen,
I'm baking some flakes!

Rum Sum Sum

A rum sum sum
A rum sum sum
Goolie goolie goolie goolie goolie
Rum sum sum sum

Arafi Arafi
Goolie goolie goolie goolie goolie
Rum sum sum

Dickery Dean

What's the matter with Dickery Dean
He jumped right into the washing machine!
Nothing's the matter with Dickory Dean
He dove in dirty and he jumped out clean!

Simple Simon

Simple Simon met a Pie Man
Going to the fare
Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man
Let me taste your ware

Said the Pie Man to Simple Simon
Show me first your penny
Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man
Indeed I have not any!

The Moon Shines Bright

The moon shines bright
The stars give a light
And little Bonny Button-cap
will come tomorrow night

Doctor Foster

Doctor Foster
Went to Gloucester
In a shower of rain;
He stepped in a puddle
Up to his middle
And never went there again!

Put your shoes on Lucy

Put your shoes on Lucy
Don't you know your in the city
Put your shoes on Lucy
It really is a pity
That Lucy can't go barefoot
Wherever she goes
Cause she loves to feel the wiggle of her toes!

The children have been drawing and writing their favourite poems that we are putting into a binder to make their own book of poems!

Chinese New Year

The children learned about the Chinese New Year and have created lanterns,  and are in the process of creating a very long dragon made out of egg cartons. They are also extremely enthusiastic about creating red paper chains - as long as they can!! Today they made a chain that was 53 feet (their feet) long!! We are hanging them up around the room.


Ash class has been looking at shapes all around. Outside, inside. We have been creating shapes with lots of different materials such as pipe cleaners, clay and paper. The children made beautiful snowflakes using shapes and have been playing memory games with shapes. We also just learned a new song - The Shape Hokey! Ask your children to sing it to you and I'm sure you'll end up hokeying with them! We have been looking at 2D shapes and will start to look more at 3D shapes.


Gunniwolf is our most recent oral story. The children love joining in to the singing parts and also have enjoyed trying to tell the story. Ask your children to tell you the story at home...perhaps before bedtime?

The Mitten!

We have been reading the story The Mitten by Jan Brett. The children are very good at remembering the sequence of the story. If you don't know the story, and want a treat, ask your child to tell you the story! We have been looking at the beautiful illustrations in the book, and talking about different parts of the story. They are excited to talk about the characters, setting and retell the story. Many children have been using our felt board to retell the story as well. We also read another story, similar to The Mitten, called, Room for One More. They were able to list many different things that were the same and different about the stories and we created a Venn Diagram! The children have also created beautiful watercolour paintings to make their own mittens, and sew them together with twisty twirlies (hmmm, what's a twisty twirly, you ask??)