Sunday, October 23, 2016

Apples Apples Apples

Because we have been talking so much about fall harvest and apples especially, we decided to do an apple taste test. We tasted 3 different apples: Red McIntosh, Green Granny Smith and Yellow Golden Delicious. The children were very discerning and honest in their likes and dislikes. After we finished tasting them, we made a pictograph to find out which apple everyone liked best. This is what we found out:
Green Granny Smith apples are yummy, tart, sweet
Red McIntosh apples are yummy, sweeter than green apples, juicier than green apples
Yellow Golden Delicious apples are yummy, sweet, and juicy too

We made a pictograph of our favourite apples:

And guess what? It was a tie! First time ever in apple history!

After we ate the apples and said which was our favourite, we took out the seeds, sorted them, counted them and looked to see if the seeds from the different apples looked different.