Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Oral Story - A very important field mouse

Ash class has been getting to know eachother - our names, our likes, dislikes, favourite things. We say a kindness promise every morning to remind ourselves that we are here together as friends and try our best to be the best we can be. We have the Key 4 that we follow everyday: Be nice, Be safe, Try your best, Celebrate eachother. If you think about it, anything we do, can fit into one of those Key 4 rules. We celebrate our successes in Ash class - when a friend does something new, or special, or kind, or something they were struggling with and then achieved, we clap and give them a thumbs up.  We are learning that  we are all important in our own way. I told them an oral story called; A Very Important Field Mouse. Ask your children if they can tell the story to you. Oral storytelling is extremely valuable to help build confidence, learn to sequence events and build oral language skills. It also helps encourage the use of their imagination.